Be my VIP & level up your X-Factor Experience!

Over $4K in value for only $47!

Yes! I Want the VIP Experience!

No thanks. I don't want a VIP experience.

The reason some people struggle while others make their dreams come true, is that those who succeed take decisive action.

People who are living life on their terms know their "HECK YES!" and THEY. TAKE. ACTION.


You can take action right now and upgrade to the VIP experience.

You'll LOVE how much quicker this gets YOU to unleashing your X-Factor and living a life full of purpose, passion & prosperity.


Yes! I Want the VIP Experience!

No thanks. I don't want the VIP experience.

Your powerful VIP experience includes:

3 Hours of Laser Coaching /Q&A Each Day

Exclusive to VIP Pass Holders: We'll gather in a private VIP Zoom room each day after the challenge for a whole extra hour (3 hours total)! (Value $3k)

You WILL have questions and I will be able to answer them so YOU can get to implementing right away!

FREE General Admission Ticket to Born For This Live


The next step to bring your X-Factor to life... for FREE!

My 3-day intensive life-transforming, immersion happening October 20th through the 22nd (Value $397)

Replay Access for 6 Months

Not only will you have X-Factor replays again and again, you get replays to Miracle Mondays with Maya too!

Keep all the recordings in a membership site where you can access them for the next 6 months.

VIP Networking & Connection

Be in the energy and vibration of like-minded individuals who will lift you up.

Surround yourself with other VIP’s and build bonds and friendships to support one another to go further, faster!


Transformation Guide

A downloadable PDF guide filled with exercises and inspiration to get the most out of your X Factor experience.

Take action today!

It's a small investment to support your dreams! 

Yes! I Want the VIP Experience!

No thanks. I don't want a VIP experience.

Find out if VIP is Right for You

If you say "yes" to any of the below statements 
then you are ready for this!

  • You know you are here to make an IMPACT but you feel unheard and unseen.  You know it is your time to RISE.

  • You want to be able to show up POWERFULLY and with conviction.

  • You want more CLARITY around your PASSION and your PURPOSE.

  • You desire a life full of PROSPERITY in every dimension.

  • You are COMMITTED to your growth and success.

  • You are willing and ready to make a small investment in yourself to supercharge your results.  

Yes! I Want the VIP Experience!

No thanks. I don't want the VIP experience.